Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday, Oct 1.

This post should be your most difficult.  For now I am simple going to put all the pictures that I have on the site.  It shows the descriptions of many of the pictures printed out.  This is what I get in some of the bigger churches.  Then I have to sort it all out when I get back.  I can't get pictures of all of the scenes that are mentioned in the descriptions because of bad camera angles or it is just too dark.  I usually take a picture of a sign of what Church I am going into before I take the pictures in that church.  I know that I will have to go back and research which church this first pictures came from because the picture of the church sign did not come out.  I hope to come back to this days blog and sort these out and add that church name when I can track it down.  I am fairly sure it is the Church of St. Augustine.

 On Sunday, 10/2, I stayed at the seminary.  I concelebrated Mass with them, played tennis and got beat bad, had lunch, worked on this blog, did some writing, had a nap, prayed a rosary, had supper and am now finishing up this weeks blogs.  Tomorrow it will be back to classes.  Over half of the other sabbatical priests went out to a local town to a wine and food tasting festival.  I heard it was chaos and I am glad I missed it.

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