Saturday, October 1, 2011

A week of classes

We have had a busy week.  We had classes and even homework, but I did still get to see some cool things.

                        This is the Church of St. Jerome.

                       Below: Madonna with Child with St. Anne

Visit of the Magi

So many of these are unnamed.  My guess on the one above is St. Jerome in his cave at Bethlehem

One of the more beautiful crucifixion scenes I have seen.

                                     I'm pretty sure this is St. Jerome also
St. John the Baptist

I think this is me trying to figure out the way back to the seminary

Agony in the Garden

Jesus is taken down from the Cross

Crowning with thorns

Ss. Cyril & Methodius show the relics of St. Clement to the Pope.

                                          This is another Church of St. Jerome

                                    This is the Church of St. Rocco

St. Martin of Tours share his cloak with a poor man.
                      St. Martin welcomed into heaven?
I think the guy on the white horse is the Emperor Constantine

                        A saint caring for plague victims in Rome

St. Charles, Archbishop of Milan

St. Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan

                         Above:  Church of the Holy Trinity

                                                   Church of St. Claude

Flight into Egypt

 Below are the relics of St. Peter Julian Eymard, who founded in Paris the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament and the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament

 Looks like they are getting ready for another wedding.
 Church of the Blessed Sacrament

From here on down are pictures taken at Monte Cassino where St. Benedict hung out.

                              It is on a small mountain or a very big hill.
                                    The one entrance.  St. Benedict's room was two window up from the door.

 Right before he died St. Benedict was supported by two brothers while he received communion in joy.

Our group in the sacristy preparing for Mass in the crypt holding the bodies of St. Benedict & St. Scholastica
                                              Nice sacristy

Lot of Benedictine relics

Beautiful dome

 This is the crypt in which we said Mass.  On the left of the statues of them is the body of Benedict, on the right is the body of Scholastica
 Above Benedict, below Scholastica

 Right above the crypt is the main altar which has more relics of the twins.
                       The choir stalls for the monks

 It is a beautiful church

 Beheading of St. John the Baptist

St. Benedict in Heaven surrounded by many Benedictine saints.

The mother of Benedict and Scholastica

Their father

Flat Stanley saying hi to St. Benedict.
They raise a lot of white doves to remind them of the time when Benedict knew Scholastica had just died because he saw a white dove fly up to heaven.

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